FAQ: Users/Your account 

Q: How many users does Fortress have?
A: You can see the current number of users by visiting the Forum and scrolling all the way down. Under the section "Additional Information -> Forum Statistics" there is a counter.

Q: Where can I find a list of all the users?
A: Go to the Forum main page, and then look right above the "Fortress Forums" bar. There is green writing that says "Members". Click it for a full list.

Q: What are user ranks?
A: User ranks are just divisions of users based on their amount of posts. However, having a higher user rank does not alter your site capabilities in any way.

Q: How can I contact a user?
A: A PM or private message can be sent via a link on your or the other user's profile. PMs are not read by the admin or moderators.

Q: What should I do if a user has been bullying, teasing, or harassing me in any way?
A: Please contact SummerCatz immediately, through PM. The user will be banned for an extended period of time (possibly forever). 

Q: How do I change my user information, forum signature, avatar, etc.?
A: Open your profile, and click the "Edit User Details" button under your avatar.

Q: Are there any avatars that I can choose from the site rather than searching the internet or uploading one from my computer?
A: Fortress is currently working on this, but it might be a bit.

Q: What can my signature have/not have in it?
A: No images, or links to other sites.(However, you can put a link to your social network profile). It should have something that represents you, or a saying you like. Maybe something about yourself, for example, "~Username. I am [age] and would love to meet new friends." 

Q: What should my avatar be like?
A: It should follow all sites guidelines, at all times. Remember, people do not know what you look like, and will associate you with your avatar. therefore, the avatar should represent you or an interest of yours. You may use a picture of yourself, however, you don't have to.

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