FAQ: Inspirational Quotes

Q: Why do the pictures on the main page look like some of the edges have been clipped?
A: Each picture must fit in a specific area, so the site goes from the center outward. This generally gives you the main idea while not permitting pictures to be all shapes and sizes.

Q: How do I enlarge the picture?
A: You can click on it, and it will appear as a pop-up, which you can then go to the next picture as well. Or, you can go to the picture's page.

Q: How do I get to a picture's page?
A: Click the green text above the picture. You will be sent to a page with a full-sized image, rating stars, a comments box, and image description.

Q: How do I rate an image?
A: Go to the image page, then use the red rating stars.

Q: Can users add images?
A: Yes, all users can add images except those that are banned, and possibly those with restricted privileges. Guests cannot add photos.

Q: What image format can I use when adding a photo?
A: .JPG, .GIF, and .PNG

Q: What is the max size a photo can be?
A: 3000 kb

Q: How do I add an image?
A: Go to the Inspirational Quotes main page. In the upper left corner is a green text that says "New Photo". Click that. Where it says "Photo 1". type your title, and then a description in the field below.

Q: What can an admin/moderator do the image after I have posted it?
A: If you would like, they can make it black and white, rotate it, mark people, edit the tags, or edit the description text. However, you must first send a mod or SummerCatz a PM to do so.

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