FAQ: Fortress In General
Q: Why is Fortress called Fortress?
A: Psalm 18:2 "The LORD is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge."
Q: Is Fortress free?
A: Yes. There are no fees whatsoever for anything on the site. If a notice appears for a fee, dismiss it as fake and report it to the admin or moderators. Fortress does not earn any money from running and providing services (forum, quotes, etc.) to the users.
Q: Who are the moderators and Admin?
A: SummerCatz is the site admin. There are currently no moderators
Q: How do I become a moderator?
A: First of all, please, no requests to be a mod. Second, to be a mod, you need to earn the trust of others on the site. Not necesarily just SummerCatz but others too. If you have ever been banned you are not eligible.
Q: How does banning work?
A: Banning occurs after multiple warnings and/or reduced privileges. It may also occur after one severe offense, such as harassing another user. However, banning is not necessarily permanent. If you have been banned, you will be incapable of entering or viewing any forums. You will also be incapable of using the chat box. Basically, all site privileges will be removed and therefore you will be capable of less than a guest. You will only be capable of viewing Fortress' site pages. If you resolve to behave better, you may be permitted back to the site under some reduced privileges until we are sure you have changed. Fortress really does not want to ban anyone :( We want to support our users, not push them away. Only the admin can ban, but the moderators can request that you be banned based on your offense.
Q: What are reduced privileges?
A: Reduced privileges are imitations on your site privileges invoked by infringing on a rule. Generaly they are small things like the inability to post on the forums for a day or two.