FAQ: Tag Board/Chat Box  

Q: What is the Tag Board and how does it work?
A: Tag Board is a simplified chat. Guests may participate too, as long as they follow all rules stated on the main page. Tag Board refreshes about every 15 seconds if you put it on the auto-refresh. Otherwise, you will need to press the button in the right corner over the message box. The auto-refresh can be found opposite of the manual refresh. Please remember that the mods and admin have access to the full chat history.
Q: Can I press "Enter" to send my message?
A: No sorry, you must press "Send". Enter will give you a new line.

Q: What is the max character count?
A: 200 characters.

Q: Does Fortress have a full-featured chat?
A: No. But, if we get about 30-50 users anytime soon, and enough wish to have a full feature chat, then SummerCatz will make an effort. :D

Q: Can you use BB codes in your message?
A: Yes, but Fortress does not provide a list.

Q: Can you use smilies in your message.
A: Yes. Once again however, Fortress does not provide a list.
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