Fortress Rules/Guidelines
The rules apply to everyone, no matter how long they have been here or if they are a moderator. All rules apply to all all areas of the site. Please respect the rules or refrain from posting, talking, etc.. Thank You. 

I. In General

1. No anti-Christian material. This is a Christian website, therefore, the displaying of said type of information will result in a warning, reduced privilages, or banning, depending in the severity of the offense.

2. Use of profanities is not allowed. This includes substituting words for symbols.

3. No spamming of any kind. This includes and is not limited to: Posting links other websites that are not directly related to the thread, posting add banners, hacking, etc.

4. You are not permitted by any means to harass other users. If this is done, you will be banned immediately. 
       *Note: If you are being harassed by another user, please notify SummerCatz immediately.

5. All ages are welcome :D We don't care if you 10 or 60. We're all God's children and we are all equal in his eyes. Therefore, the same applies at Fortress.

6. No racism or discrimination at all. We are all equally loved by God, so please remember to return the favor by do not bring people down.

7. Follow the instruction of any moderators/administrators. They have a purpose- to moderate, so please respect them.

8. Absolutely no vulgar, mean-spirited, discouraging, or offensive comments.

9. Do not make multiple user accounts.

10. Inactivity over an extended period of time may result in deletion of your account.

11. As a user, you have the privilege of choosing a nickname. Immoral or offensive user names give the admin permission to intervene.

12. The admin reserves the right to change the rules at any time.

13. By registering, you agree to all terms stated here on this page. 

II. Forum Rules
1. You, and solely you, are responsible for what is posted on the forums via your account. You accept all consequences that are acquired because of material posted from our account.

2. No mean-spirited, vulgar, discouraging, racist, inappropriate, or offensive content. 

3. No profanities.

4.  Do not go where you don't belong. If your not a teen, don't go in the Teen's Forum. If your not single, do not go in the Single's Forum. Simple as that :)

5. No posting secular music. Its called the "Christian Music Forum" for a reason.

6. Follow all directions of the moderators. Their job is stressful as it is, they do not need unnecessary disputes especially if you are just pitching in your two cents and aren't directly involved.

7. English please. We understand if it is not your language of choice, but it is most user's first/only language. If you would like to post in the forums and cannot write/type English, here is a link to Google translator: If for some reason you still type in another language, the moderators or admin will go through and provide a translation underneath. Please, do not use his to your advantage and purposely post comments in other languages. Like I said above, the job is stressful enough already.

8. No soliciting or recruiting for any organization, Christian or not. If someone does advertise a false organization, and you "donate", you hereby release and all parties related from any charges.

9. When creating a thread, please make informative names. Or, include a thread description. 

10. Please do not post the same thing twice. Double posts will be deleted by the admin/moderators

11. Please place new threads in the correct forum and new posts in the correct thread. Suggestions need to be in the Suggestion Box, biblical questions need to stay in the Bible Discussion forum, etc.

12. Please check your spelling. It can be very difficult to read posts with misspelled words, and if it reaches the point that it is unreadable, said post may be edited or removed by a moderator or admin.

    *Note: A copy of the forum rules will also be available via the link on the forum main page.

III. Tag Board/Chat Box 

1. Once again, anything that is vulgar, mean-spirited, discouraging, offensive, or contains profanities is not permitted.

2. Respect the mods. If they tell you to exit the chat box, please comply. Otherwise, you invoke the consequences.

3. Respect the requests of others. For example: If a woman asks a man to stop talking to her, whatever her reason, the man needs to agree. 

4. Remember that even if there isn't a moderator at the time, they do have access to the full chat history.

IV. Warnings, Banning, and Reduced Privileges


1. A warning is exactly that- a warning. It occurs when you have committed a minor infraction or said something that was accidentally taken the wrong way. Respect that warning, because they only come at the mod's discretion. 

Reduced Privileges:
  Reduced Privileges can mean several different things. Depending on the offense, it could mean that you don't have access to the Tag Board for a period of time, or you may be incapable of posting on/entering certain forums. There are many possibilities. Although a moderator cannot take away your privileges, if they have reported you several times for warnings, they can and will refer said user to the admin, and then said user will have reduced privileges. (Why can't moderators reduce privileges? This is because they do not have access to the site builder, which contains the user groups. Each user group has specific privileges, and if you receive reduced privileges, you will be moved into a user group with less capabilities.)

1. If you acquire reduced privileges, do not try and throw the blame in order to get rid of the charge.

2. Reduced privileges are set for a certain period of time, which will increase if you further abuse Fortress.

  Please don't make us ban you, please please please. :( We are a family, and we want to support one another, not kick each other away. However, if you have committed a serious offense, you must and will be banned. Most banning will be temporary, unless the offense is serious and repeated.

1. DO NOT make another account so that you can come back. We will be forced to ban your IP address rather than just your user account which more likely than not would have been able to come back sooner or later.

2. Please disregard any anger or resentment you may feel. You brought this on your self.

       Thanks for reading all the rules :D Fortress appreciates this- less work for the mods! Please consider joining our family here, for support, fun, and chat. For more information, please visit the FAQ page. (construction is almost complete, and the page is mostly available)

SummerCatz (admin)

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